Pyramid of Manifestation
07/2020: Light Crystal of the month
The Pyramid of Manifestation is connected to Archangel Metatron. He guides you and helps you to raise your consciousness in this time of daily challenges. You learn to align your thoughts and everything that arises from within in a positive and lightful way and thus manifest it in your life.
About Pyramid of Manifestation
You can put the pyramid on a chakra or take it in your hand while meditating. Our customers report particularly intense experiences after placing the Pyramid of Manifestation on the Heart Chakra or Third Eye. Feel how the energy enters the chakra and spreads. Then connect with Archangel Metatron. Ask him for support with what is on your heart, what you want to manifest or achieve. E. g. imagine a project or a situation. Or imagine how your life should be after Corona.
Allow yourself to immerse completely in the desired state. Feel how all the burden falls off you. Feel how it will be. And maybe suddenly new ideas and possibilities come to your mind, which you hadn’t thought of before.
- Light crystal of the month
Ansichten: 88